Midweek Gotta Share--a Great Vlog from PoSARC

If you haven’t been watching Lili Bee’s Survivor Series—there’s several to keep you company. In each one Lili talks with a woman like us who has survived discovery, the worst of the treatment industry, her husband’s ongoing covert abuse, and got herself to safety. Sometimes that includes children too.

These brave women talk about their victories and their defeats. They share the insights had helped them save their precious lives. They are painfully honest about the mistakes they made along the way. They bear witness to our capacity for love and the hard decisions that became necessary to survive.

The latest “rock star” is a vulnerable and brilliant. She lives everyday with health challenges and the heartache that we all know so well. But she wants you to know what she has learned. She doesn’t want you to have to pay so much to learn it for yourself.

Here’s the link to hear Susan tell her story from her heart, and if you haven’t seen the others, it’s time to catch up to everything that’s going on!


Diane Strickland