Two New Free Videos Offering Support As We Navigate This Pandemic

Dear Readers,

Many of you know that my training and experience includes working in post-disaster settings and responding to critical incidents. Wearing those hats, I have been creating resources to inform, equip, and support people as we go through this pandemic together. My partner also has offered his equipment, software and expertise to do these together for free as well.

As you view these videos many partners and wives may recognize some of the “crossover” truths that they already know from our experiences being traumatized and not sure what to do next. Yes, some of the same things apply not matter what the precipitating incident. I hope the videos help you to harness calm for yourself and be more able to harness calm for others.

Please feel free to share these videos widely. They are on a completely different channel than my videos for wives and partners and I never mention anything related to the work I do here or with clients who are wives or partners of men called sex addicts.

This is the Channel link:

So far there are two videos and there will be more. As a Community and Workplace Traumatologist, this pandemic is a call for “All hands on deck.” I am glad to provide these resources for you and those you love. Again, use them yourself and share widely.

The channel is called Things That Matter. The series is called Pandemic Practicums. Have a look. And as they say on Youtube, “Comment. Share. Like. Subscribe.”

And as I say, “Keep Going.”

With you,


Diane Strickland